Omni Clinics

Accurate Diagnosis is our PRIME Commitment

Monday To Saturday - 9 AM To 6 PM

Dr Sandeep Sharma

Dr Sandeep Sharma


Dr Sandeep Sharma, MBBS, MD (Pediatrics) (PGI, Chandigarh) has experience of 7+ years as a practicing Pediatrician. Being an alumnus of the prestigious PGI, Chandigarh, he brings the best of latest pediatric clinical practice to the residents of tri-city. Believing in the philosophy of “a child is not a miniature adult”, he treats his young patients with empathy & care, and prescribes medications only on “what’s essential” basis, ensuring the best of care for kids.

He is also a social media influencer as a doctor, with more than 18,000 followers on YouTube Channel, as well as a medical teacher for young aspiring pediatricians worldwide.