Omni Clinics

Accurate Diagnosis is our PRIME Commitment

Monday To Saturday - 9 AM To 6 PM



Omni Clinics and Diagnostics is a multi-specialty medical Centre situated in Sector 34 of Chandigarh.

The Centre offers services in specialties of Internal Medicine, Skin, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dentistry and Psychiatry.

A well equipped laboratory offers complete check up plans for different age groups.

With services of Cosmetology, Vaccination, Day Care and tests like ECG, TMT and lung function testing the Centre caters to various needs of the population.

Clinics & Facilities

Following Clinics and facilities are available at Omni: Skin, Dental, Daycare, Medicine, Laboratory, Gynecology, Cosmetology, Special OPDs, Preventive Check-ups, Specialized Investigation.


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Dr Sandeep S. Chhatwal
Senior Consultant Medicine
Dr Sandeep Sharma
Dr Nitin Gupta


How to quit pleasing people

Do you suffer from a disease to please ?Do you wish to break free ? THEN READ ON ……. Quitting people-pleasing is a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment. It involves learning to prioritize your own needs, setting boundaries, and cultivating self-compassion. Here are some steps to help you break free from the habit of people-pleasing: …

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Embracing Ourselves Authentically

In a world often fixated on external validation, it’s essential to understand that self-love is not synonymous with narcissism. Embracing self-love allows us to cultivate a healthy relationship with ourselves, fostering inner peace and resilience. By acknowledging our flaws and strengths, we build self-awareness, leading to personal growth and better relationships with others. It’s about …

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Balanced Diet & Health

Everyone knows that eating a balanced diet, exercising and getting plenty of rest are key to maintaining good health. However, that can seem to be an impossible task while in college. Frequently, the appeal of sweets, fast food, caffeine and alcohol outweigh healthy options when you’re in the company of friends or under stress from …

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